10 Weird (and Sometimes Repulsive) Things People Collect
One Man's Trash
Collecting unusual items is a hobby that can range from quirky and endearing to bizarre and straight up gross. These unique collections often reflect personal interests or nostalgic connections that turn seemingly ordinary objects into prized possessions. Whether it's the thrill of the hunt, the stories behind them, or the joy of owning something outlandish, you'd be surprised what some people collect — giving the phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure" a whole new meaning.
Here are 12 examples of the weirdest and wackiest things that people collect.
1. Barf Bags
Despite being quite a niche group, collectors of barf bags (also known as air sickness bags) are fascinated by the designs and logos from various airlines around the world. The bags often feature unique graphics and airline branding, offering a nostalgic glimpse of past travels.
Some collectors, like Steve Silberburg, who has been collecting barf bags since 1981, seek them out because of their originality and rarity. "Nobody collects these," he told CNN. "This is what I’m going to do."
2. Ugly Lamps
Ugly lamp collectors are drawn to the most garish and outlandish lighting fixtures they can find. These lamps — often adorned with bizarre shapes, clashing colors, and tacky designs — become conversation pieces in their homes. As one Redditor points out, collecting ugly lamps is "fun, conversation invoking; and have taken me to many shops, towns, garage & yard sales that I wouldn't otherwise have visited."
3. Toenail Clippings
While it might sound gross (and straight-up disturbing), some people really do collect their own toenail clippings as a way of tracking their personal history. As one collector points out, each clipping represents a moment in time and captures the essence of their life at that point. 🤮
"This weird project was a part of me," said Marc V. Calderaro, who collected his toenails in a jar for five years. "I had stumbled onto a way to create emotion and connection in a part of life that usually has no joy or larger purpose—clipping your toenails."
4. Chewed Gum
Chewed gum collectors preserve the masticated remnants of various flavors of, you guessed it, chewing gum. While the odd collection can quickly become a sticky situation if not properly stored, true enthusiasts take pride in their colorful, albeit sticky, displays. But some of these collections are indeed quite impressive, as evidenced by this 34-year-old gum collection that's on display at Ripley's.
5. Dead Insects
Entomology enthusiasts often start by collecting dead insects and preserving them in special boxes or displays. According to collectors, it's also a way to advance science. "I cannot state the importance of preserved dead insects," writes one Redditor. "We kill 'em anyway by just living. May as well scrape a few for science." Typically, each insect is meticulously labeled with its species' name and the location where it was found.
"It's so important to build a physical storage of morphological variation between dozens of individuals of the same species," adds the Reddit user. "I live in New Zealand, if it's native, its probably endangered."
6. Celebrity Hair
Collecting locks of hair from famous entertainers is also popular, with enthusiasts going to great lengths to acquire these strands. But what's crazy is how much money these collections are worth. According to Paul Fraser, a British hair supplier, a full sample of Marilyn Monroe's hair can fetch over $300,000. The hair becomes a tangible connection to the celebrity, offering a unique and personal piece of memorabilia.
Some collectors specialize in specific eras or genres, such as musicians or actors. Fraser's second-most expensive celebrity hair item is a container of 200 hairs that Justin Bieber gave to Ellen DeGeneres as a birthday gift in 2011. DeGeneres went on to sell the hair for $40,668 on eBay.
7. Taxidermy
While hanging a giant dead deer's head in the living room isn't really my choice for home decor, taxidermy is another popular form of collection. Taxidermy collectors are drawn to the artistry and preservation of animals, and typically buy or create lifelike displays that capture the beauty of wildlife. These collections can range from common species to exotic and rare animals, which are meticulously prepared and mounted.
For some (especially hunters), it's a way to honor and remember animals, while for others, it's about the craftsmanship and historical significance.
8. Used Band-Aids
Used band-aids — complete with dried blood and all — are collected by those fascinated by the macabre and medical oddities. As one band-aid collector notes, each Band-Aid tells a story of a wound healed, a mishap, or a moment of care. "They are symbolic,” said Beth Barron, an artist from Minnessota. “You put a Band-Aid on a kid who doesn’t even need one, and they stop crying. Why is that so simple?”
9. Belly Button Lint
Collecting belly button lint is another quirky (and questionable) hobby that some people take quite seriously. Each piece of lint is saved in jars or containers, often categorized by color and texture (as evidenced by this 40+ year collection). Since the lint is a byproduct of daily life, each collection is unique to its owner. "God forbid someone throws that thing at someone," writes one Redditor in response. We concur.
10. Potato Chips Shaped Like Famous People
Finding chips and snacks that resemble famous people or objects is another quirky hobby that can be worth a pretty penny. Each chip is carefully preserved, often stored in small display cases to prevent crumbling. Some chips have even fetched high prices at auctions due to their uncanny likenesses.
Anyone interested in this super large wheat thin that's shaped like the state of Wisconsin? You'll just have to pay a cool $3,500 for it.
11. Vintage Pez Dispensers
Pez dispenser collectors are passionate about the colorful and whimsical designs that have been produced over the decades. Each dispenser — featuring beloved characters from movies, cartoons, and pop culture — represents a unique piece of history. Some collectors hunt for rare and limited-edition dispensers, which can become quite valuable over time. Others are keen on collecting as many as possible.
These collections often also spark a sense of nostalgia and joy that's reminiscent of childhood memories. "Wow this really takes me back to my childhood," wrote one user in response to one huge collection of Pez dispensers. "Growing up, my dad was a huge Pezhead. I remember going to the conventions in Cleveland in the 90s."
12. Hotel Key Cards
Hotel key card collectors are drawn to the variety of designs and logos from hotels around the world. These cards often feature unique artwork, branding, and even room numbers, giving each one a special meaning. While some collectors wonder if taking the key cards is stealing from the hotel, most consider it a harmless souvenir. "It's not stealing. Hotels don't care," writes one Redditor. "Enjoy your souvenirs!"
While they don't typically command huge amounts of money, some key cards from prestigious hotels can still fetch a decent price among dedicated collectors.
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This article was originally published on Cheapism