Organize your digital life
Get fast-loading AOL Mail, today's headlines and trending videos on your favorite smartphone and tablet. You'll receive instant push notifications for breaking news and incoming emails, and you can manage all of your phone and AOL contacts in one place. It's the best of AOL, on the go.

What's new
With a revamped design and new features, the all-new AOL can help you easily manage your digital life.
AOL Mail Plus gives you even more
Get the inbox you've always wanted without the interruptions for only $1.99/mo.
AOL App Ad-Free email1
Enjoy an ad-free experience across all email accounts in your AOL mobile app.
Select your default screen
Customize the experience you see first when you open the AOL app.
Ad-lite throughout AOL app article pages2
Also enjoy your favorite AOL pages without most of the paid advertising.
Seamless message navigation
Customize navigation when moving or deleting an email on your mobile device.