3 "Intimate" Benefits of Ginger for Men
If you like to use ginger in your cooking, you might be in luck. Ginger is a plant with some pretty powerful medicinal qualities, such as its ability to treat several illnesses and common health problems, like nausea, pain or vomiting.
Ginger has also often been used as a natural stimulant in traditional medicine to increase arousal.
So, what are the potential benefits of ginger? Could this powerful plant help improve intimate function and reduce conditions like ED or PE?
The Many Benefits of Ginger
Ginger can be used in many different forms, from ginger powder to ginger root oil, to add zest and flavor to your food.
The health benefits are just as numerous. For example, gingerol, a natural component of ginger root, helps the digestion process. This can provide relief from nausea, gas and bloating.
Increased Blood Flow
While research on how ginger affects drive directly is limited, this medicinal plant has been shown to lower blood pressure, including for people with hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Ginger has also been found to increase blood flow. An in vitro study (a study not done on humans or animals) showed that ginger can also prevent blood clots and help dilate the blood vessels.
Studies have found a connection between higher blood pressure and a higher risk of weakness in men. If ginger helps lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels, it could increase arousal and libido.
Though recommendations for libido-increasing pills sprawl across the internet, the science behind many of these supplements is lacking. Other options may be less obvious but more effective. Here you can know more about pills for increasing drive and improving performance.
May Improve Fertility
Ginger could also be beneficial for improving fertility in men.
One review of animal studies found that ginger could increase fertility by enhancing blood flow in the testes, increasing testosterone production and reducing oxidative stress. Specifically, ginger raised testosterone levels by increasing luteinizing hormone.
The medicinal plant may also enhance semen quality by improving the concentration, motility and viability of sperm cells, although this was discovered through animal studies.
Reduces Oxidative Stress
Most people experience oxidative stress, which happens when your body's antioxidants and free radicals become imbalanced, at some point in their lives. This can damage your cells and lead to inflammation.
One study suggests that oxidative stress could be associated with poor function. However, more research is needed.
Ginger has been found to decrease oxidative stress in the body. Similarly, this medicinal plant can also help relieve inflammation, although the precise connection between inflammation and performance is not fully known.
Does Ginger Reduce ED?
If you struggle with getting or maintaining an hardness during intimacy, you could be dealing with ED. This condition has many causes, from mood disorders like depression to medication and more.
According to an animal study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, ginger might reduce blood pressure. This effect means the natural benefits of ginger may not only improve heart health, but could also positively impact performance.
A 2017 study also found that ginger, combined with other herbal medicines, may work as a potential treatment for ED. However, more research is needed to look at the effects of ginger itself for ED and intimate function.
So, while there’s no definitive answer about ginger’s potential to increase function, there’s certainly some evidence that this plant could reduce intimate weaknesses.
While pills like Viagra, Cialis and Stendra might look similar, they’re unique medications with their own strengths and weaknesses for dealing with ED. Here you can check the advantages and disadvantages of each ED treatment, from ease of use to duration of action, side effects and more.
The Final Word on intimate Benefits of Ginger
Studies have found that this medicinal plant improves blood flow, reduces oxidative stress, increases reproductive hormone levels and may improve fertility. Ginger may also help with intimate weaknesses, like ED, and it's been used for this purpose in traditional medicine..
However, more research is needed to confirm the intimate benefits of ginger, and so it’s probably not the first treatment to turn to if you’re having problems in the bedroom.
If you’re currently struggling with intimate weaknesses, your healthcare provider may recommend certain medications. For example, ED may be treated with sildenafil, while sertraline can be used for PE.
You can also connect with a healthcare provider to discuss more PE treatments or ED medications that can help you.
This article originally appeared on Hims.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org
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5 Types of Alcohol That Could Help You Last Longer in Bed
What alcohol makes you last longer in bed? Keep reading for the answer to this question and insight into how drinking affects your intimate life.
If you’re looking for ways to improve performance, you may have looked for tips to increase your stamina. After all, you don’t typically hear about guys not wanting to last longer in bed.
Often referred to as liquid courage, many people use alcoholic drinks to feel more confident and get in the mood for intimate activity. But while an alcoholic beverage or two may make you feel more attractive in the moment and like your drive is high, it might not be all it’s cracked up to be.
We’ll explore if there’s a best alcohol for intimacy and what alcohol makes you last longer in bed, as well as what to drink before intimacy to last longer.
Goran13/IstockphotoWe’ll get straight to the point and answer the question: Does alcohol make you last longer in bed?
Unfortunately, alcohol does not make you last longer in bed — it may even impair your function, depending on how much you drink.
Some dysfunctions such as ED, PE and lack of drive are more likely to happen in men with chronic alcohol use.
While drinking may often lead to love-making, excessive alcohol consumption can impact intimate activity and even cause dysfunction like ED.
The reason men so often experience temporary ED is that alcohol makes you dehydrated, triggering the release of a hormone called angiotensin.
This hormone causes vasoconstriction — or a narrowing of your blood vessels — which leads to blood flow issues to your privates, making it even more challenging to stay hard during love-making.
Consuming a few drinks may make you feel desensitized to love-making and delay finishing, although these findings were from one small study of 24 men and women.
Alcohol consumption can also interfere with privates' function and male hormone production, resulting in ED and infertility.
Despite this, we know people still want to responsibly enjoy a night out or an occasional alcoholic beverage — and that’s totally fine.
But does one type of alcohol make you last longer in bed than another? If so, what alcohol makes you last longer in bed, specifically?
Prostock-Studio/istockphotoWe already answered, “Does alcohol make you last longer in bed?” (Unfortunately, it does not.) But you might still be wondering if there’s a best alcohol for intimacy or best alcohol for ED.
There’s currently no evidence that one type of alcohol over another causes or relieves temporary ED. Still, if you want to know what to drink to last longer in bed, there are some benefits of various drinks to consider.
Wine. A popular drink of choice on date nights, wining and dining may not necessarily make you last longer in bed — but it might be better than other types of alcohol. A study found that polyphenols (which are found in red wine) can decrease instances of ED.
There may be other health benefits to red wine, too, such as positive effects on cardiovascular disease (risk of heart attack, for example), high blood pressure, certain types of cancer and type 2 diabetes — all of which can affect intimate activity.
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Nebojsa93/IstockphotoA review of studies found that one to two beers a day may reduce men’s risk of heart disease. The “beer goggles” effect is real as well, although it doesn’t just apply to beer. A 2014 study found that those who consumed alcohol rated images of people more highly for attractiveness than a placebo group.
puckons/istockphotoAnother popular alcoholic beverage, tequila has the same effects on intimacy function as other types of alcohol — despite claims it’s what to drink to last longer in bed or that it’s the best alcohol for ED. However, compared to other liquors, tequila contains no carbohydrates or sugar and fewer calories.
The aforementioned whiskey ... well, you know, isn’t only caused by whiskey. But whiskey is another alcoholic beverage that has no carbohydrates and sugar if you drink it neat or on ice.
If vodka is your liquor of choice, at the very least, you’re consuming a drink with no carbs or sugar (if you drink it straight, that is). But you may want to limit yourself to one shot if you use vodka (or other alcohol) for performance anxiety.
vi-mart/istockphotoIf you’re wondering what alcohol makes you last longer in bed, there isn’t one.
In fact, alcoholic beverages often do the opposite and may cause PE and affect your health by affecting blood flow to your privates, causing ED and resulting in other issues.
However, if you’re looking for treatments for PE or ED, there are plenty of science-backed options.
While there are currently no FDA-approved medications for PE specifically, a type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are often used off-label. These can include sertraline, escitalopram and fluoxetine.
Topical sprays and creams can also be used to alter the sensitivity of your privates and manage PE. They contain topical anesthetics such as lidocaine or prilocaine and are designed to use before making love.
Behavioral therapy is used to identify unhealthy or harmful behaviors and then take meaningful steps to change them. Research has found that psychotherapy (in combination with medication) can be more effective for treating PE than medication alone.
(Related: The 5 Best Drinks for ED)
PeopleImages/istockphotoIf you’re looking for what to drink before intimacy to last longer or are wondering what alcohol makes you last longer in bed, we have to give it to you straight — alcohol doesn’t improve stamina or performance.
Though certain types of alcohol may have slight health benefits over others, there isn’t enough research on the topic.
There is, however, plenty of research on the effects of alcohol on intimacy function, with many men more likely to experience dysfunction like ED, delayed or PE and difficulty finishing.
There are other ways to last longer in bed, and although alcohol might make you feel more attractive temporarily, it’s easy to overdo it with drinking, which may lead to negative effects.
The easiest way to prevent issues during making love is to drink alcohol responsibly. If you have persistent ED that occurs with or without alcohol, you can get ED help online from a licensed healthcare provider.
This article originally appeared on Hims.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.